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Re: The Walking for Wellbeing Thread

Hi @soul@Sans911, way to go on the walking today.

I didn't get my pedometer working until about 4pm today. 274 steps counted since then. For some reason it doesn't seem to be getting all the steps. Anyway, I think all up I probably walked about 750 steps, just moving around the flat and going out to visit a friend nearby in the evening. More physical exercise tomorrow, I hope. 

Goodnight everyone, sleep well. Smiley Happy

Re: The Walking for Wellbeing Thread

2728 steps today. 1.9kms. Two activities that involved bus rides and walking, and a bit of walking around the flat. I'm okay with that for now.

Goodnight, @soul and everyone, hope you went well with your walking today. Smiley Happy

Re: The Walking for Wellbeing Thread

Well you and I have walked @Mazarita. Did 15 103 steps. Wet weather ahead for the next few days 😩Hopefully I can get some walking in when it isn’t actually raining. 

Whete are all the other walkers? What about you @Former-Member @Faith-and-Hope @Sans911? And @Determined - have you found time for walking or cycling?

Re: The Walking for Wellbeing Thread

5km today @soul .... and 3.6km yesterday.

yu bet I'm still walking ..... ❣️

Re: The Walking for Wellbeing Thread

Forest Anxious Trump did 14 KMS yesterday @soul,hope to do the same after I do a housecleaning job.I am up to 69 KMS for the week starting Saturday,would like the total to be 100 ,as that is what I used to do.Think I will be three KMS off.

Re: The Walking for Wellbeing Thread

Go for it @Former-Member - make those 100kms!!!!!!

Re: The Walking for Wellbeing Thread

Nothing for me in the last week @soul, feeling flat, no motivation or energy. Avg probably 2-3k steps and that is just the essential. 

I have been taking the long route to lock up mil's chooks so I guess that counts for somthing .

Re: The Walking for Wellbeing Thread

Better than nothing @Determined. Even walking backwards counts. Or sideways.

Re: The Walking for Wellbeing Thread

Just saw in the local paper that a new walking trail close to town almost finished @soul, that will be neat until the novilty wears off lol. Dual benifit, will give me an opportunity to duar off the camera.  Will be watching with interest for the grand opening announcement. 

Re: The Walking for Wellbeing Thread

I will try @soul,going in the next hour, @Determined,I think you are cute!lol

I'm amazed how I can be on two different poles, depression I can hardly put one foot in front of the other,stop with numbness, anxiety past two weeks,trying to walk away and disappear from my life.

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