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Re: The Walking for Wellbeing Thread

I go from not being able to walk due to numbness of depression to anxiety where I can walk forever.Id rather be anxious for physical health past week got muscle back in my legs which is the old me.

Re: The Walking for Wellbeing Thread

7,497 steps (4.9km) ....

4.1km yesterday.

Re: The Walking for Wellbeing Thread

Just under 2000 steps yesterday, including a 1km walk on the beach. Would have done more but the tendonitis in my legs was playing up bad. I know it was just under 2000 steps because, after a lot of mucking around, I've got my pedometer band semi-working! It's already made me see that I have been underestimating my steps without it. That's a little heartening! Keep on moving forward, fellow walkers. Smiley Happy

Re: The Walking for Wellbeing Thread

How did the walking go today ladies and gents? Great that you got the pedometer working @Mazarita. It’s encouraging to see some tangible proof of your efforts. 

@Faith-and-Hope has been walking off her morning coffee. Is that one or two sugars and full cream milk?

@Former-Member - walking when you’re anxious is a whole lot better than engaging in behaviour that would make it worse.

My usual week day walking - 15 209 steps. More rain predicted this week so that may put a dampener on things.  

Re: The Walking for Wellbeing Thread

Hi @soul and everyone,

Up in the early hours and not ready to go back to sleep so thought I'd record yesterday's steps here. It was a very good day by my current standards: 4538 steps counted by the pedometer. That's not far off my personal target of 5000 steps, something I am working towards. Also, for some reason, the pedometer stopped counting my steps around 5pm so all the walking I did around the flat until I went to bed about four hours later was not counted. I reckon this might have tipped it over 5000 if it had worked properly. So, satisfied with that for now.

Interesting to use yesterday's walking as a gauge of what I'd like to be doing every day. It was a pretty big day by my standards! The thought of keeping it up every day is daunting. Again, a goal to work towards, not where I'm at yet. Interesting and scary too that the 'standard' steps goal is 10,000 steps! I have a long way to go before being on par with the 'norm' it seems! But then, normal is said to be just a cycle on a washing machine. So I'll try not to be too offput by how far from optimum I seem to be, even after a few years of walking regularly on the beach here. I am, after all, 55, have had crohns disease for almost 40 years and also have problems with arthritis and tendonitis in lower legs. There was a fair bit of pain doing the amount of steps I did yesterday!

Best to all for the steps being taken. Smiley Happy

Re: The Walking for Wellbeing Thread

You’re doing really well @Mazarita. Considering your physical ailments, you are doing brilliantly. I hope you are feeling better for it. Don’t see it as a chore, see it as taking care of yourself. And don’t forget to enjoy the things you see along the way. 

I am just loving the jacaranda trees in bloom at the moment. For so much of the year, you never notice them but they are so beautiful right now. I adore their soft purple hue and delicate petals. Just have to be careful as the dropped blossom can be slippery if they are wet. 

Have a lovely day. 

Re: The Walking for Wellbeing Thread

I've been a bit slack not posting my walks here, but no notifications makes it tricky too. I went for a walk on Sunday but I forgot to put my vivofit watch on, so not sure of steps. Probably about 2 or 3kms. And my catch up with my Auntie today in the city was a good effort as we had to wall a long way to her banks. So far I've clocked 9300steps so that's about 4or 5kms today. I've a 3.5km walk planned tommorrow at a lovely riverside place with some peer support workers, so looking forward to that.

Re: The Walking for Wellbeing Thread

Walking by the river sounds lovely @Sans911. Hope you enjoy it. There’s something very relaxing about water. 

I also walk by a river but there is often quite a bit of activity on it. 

My step count for today was 15 124. Just over 11kms. Was watching possums cross the overhead wires tonight. Poor pooch was quite annoyed by them. They were oblivious to her knowing she couldn’t reach them. 

Re: The Walking for Wellbeing Thread

@soul-possums,huh? I've just had my resident roof rat scratching around in the ceiling above me! My cat is always intrigued.

The river walk we talk isn't too busy. It's mostly circular with various paths going off it, and it's well paved and an easy walk. Lots of bush around. I really like it. And there's a Cafe & educational centre at the start/finish but no one is interested & the peer support workers have to get back to the office. I've been there other times and had lunch/coffee. Very enjoyable

Re: The Walking for Wellbeing Thread

Sounds perfect @Sans911. Hope the weather is kind to you. It was really hot here today. The budgie was having a bath in his water dish. The dog is getting her fur clipped tomorrow. 

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