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Re: Struggling with everything

Thanks @HenryX

I feel so alone in it all, I don't even want to go for my ♡ surgery I'm too anxious. 

Re: Struggling with everything

Thanks @MDT

everything seems to hard at the moment I feel so out of it. My emotions are going crazy

Re: Struggling with everything

I'm sorry it's so hard @Fluttershy1 

I can relate and I'm standing with you

Is there anything that damps down your emotions?

Sometimes it's ok to ride the waves, and sometimes a distraction or activity can help.

I went for a walk in nature this morning and it helped temporarily. Just a little break can make a difference.

Re: Struggling with everything

@frog - nothing has been working. Been trying all my coping techniques. But it's not working. 

Re: Struggling with everything


Hi Candydipper1


From this image, that I found among the beautiful images

on your image pages,

I presume that you are keen to meet challenges head-on


give them as good as has been handed out.




Now may be a time where you can show

your strength, resilience and courage.


And, if you have faith in yourself, to

also bestow that faith on others

who would like to assist you.


It is interesting to acknowledge

that there are a great number of people who

don't just have a job,

but also

devote their lives to caring for others.


With Best Wishes


acknowledgement of your

Special Qualities










CC: @frog @MDT @Ricardorider @LostAngel 

Re: Struggling with everything

Aweeee thanks @HenryX ,

struggling this evening with my emotions. Trying to cancel everything but I'm not aloud to. I just want to be on my own. 

am safe

Re: Struggling with everything

@HenryX @frog @MDT @LostAngel @Ricardorider - I feel so alone and frustrated. I just feel like I'm fighting these voices alone. They are telling me to give up. I don't know how I feel at all. 

I feel like a failure 

a mistake 




am safe 


if @Former-Member is worried you may email me. 

Re: Struggling with everything

You aren't at all worthless my friend @Fluttershy1

Can you put on some of your favourite music ?

Re: Struggling with everything

Been trying music @MDT , 

I feel so not great mentally. I just I don't know. 

am safe 😊

Re: Struggling with everything


Hello Candydipper1,


It sounds to me as though the thoughts generated by 'self talk' are giving you a really hard time.


You are OK with talking on the forum here, and people are around to give you encouragement, 'walk with you', 'sit with you'.


Throw something at us that is very different from where you seem to be right at the moment. By very different, I mean about something you like, or a good thing that has happened recently, an animal that you particularly like, or even about your favourite cuddly toy. Something like that gives us more to be able to say than simply to tell you that "the self talk" or "voices are wrong". I believe that logically you already know that.


Best Wishes,


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