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Re: The Walking for Wellbeing Thread

Hi @Faith-and-Hope,

I hope the walking does some good and you are enjoying it. Well done for today. I just managed to go up and down couple of floors. I am considering it to be my walking.

All the best and will keep you in my prayer, with the will of God. 

Love to you.

Re: The Walking for Wellbeing Thread

Thank you @A2Z .... I am keeping WH in prayer and just trusting God that things will be better on the other side of this .....

Re: The Walking for Wellbeing Thread

Well I made it to 800 steps today, an improvement on yestrday but only with the benifit of having to go shopping. Another big day in front of the computer tomorrow, wait to see what Wednesday holds. 

Re: The Walking for Wellbeing Thread

The rain played havoc with my walking today. Needed the umbrella to go to the shops and yoga. Just made the 10 000 steps - 10 074. Poor pooch didn’t get out and about. I did chase her around the house a bit so she got some exercise. 

@Determined - maybe you could count key strokes on the computer. You should take breaks though and stretch your legs now and then. 

@Faith-and-Hope - sounds like you have some trying times ahead of you. Hope the walking is providing you with some relief from stress. 

@Former-Member - how did you go today? Saw on another thread that you did 10kms this morning. 

Hi @A2Z - how’s it going with you?

Re: The Walking for Wellbeing Thread

Hi @soul ..... have been walking my toosh off since this issue first showed its head  ..... so it's hard to step it up, but definitely need to continue.  It's definitely a mood stabiliser.


Re: The Walking for Wellbeing Thread

Hi all 🙂 love this thread.
I was back at work and busy all day today - 12056 steps - did get out for a walk with the dog and kids though too. trying to stay active...

Re: The Walking for Wellbeing Thread

WTG @Former-Member .... 🎉

Hi Hon ..... 🤗💜💕

Re: The Walking for Wellbeing Thread

Only did the 10 KMs @soul,hope to go today.

Re: The Walking for Wellbeing Thread

No life isn't the same without them @Determined,they leave a big empty hole.

Re: The Walking for Wellbeing Thread

I was happy to be able to walk mostly between showers today. More rain tomorrow though. Wish it would just fall at night. 

Step count is 15 466 - 11.3km. Nice to see green grass again though. I expect to hear a lot of mowing going on when it fines up.

Hope all the walkers were out in force today. 


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