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Something’s not right

Re: Stuck and can’t escape it.

@Former-Member @PeppyPatti @creative_writer @tyme @Jynx - today has been extremely hard and stressful, I’ve got big emotions and been struggling to soothe myself, I don’t know how to feel at the moment. 

im safe 

Re: Stuck and can’t escape it.

Dear @Fluttershy1 


We are behind you, walking with you during this time. It's great that you wrote that your safe because it makes 

Me feel you are always checking yourself. 





Re: Stuck and can’t escape it.

Yeah, I do understand @Fluttershy1 💜🌺

Today isn't an easy day, and I gently want you to know that I sit with you, hold this space with you, and am thinking of you and sending you gentle virtual hugs xx

Go gently, and please remember youre still healing xx

Keep close to weighted ted, and your comfort things, and know that we care and have lots and lots of compassion for you sweets xx

Re: Stuck and can’t escape it.

@PeppyPatti - Thankyou, it’s been hard, I’m safe 

Re: Stuck and can’t escape it.

Thanks @Former-Member - I just ended up hiding away, am safe. 

Re: Stuck and can’t escape it.

No worries sweets 🌺💜

I very much understand @Fluttershy1.. you do what you need to do to manage petal, that’s all that matters 🫂🌺

I hope you can get some rest tonight, and tomorrow is a better day. Holding space and hope for you dear 🌺💜

Re: Stuck and can’t escape it.

I don’t know if I will be able to sleep @Former-Member - feeling overwhelmed, I just wanna run and hide. Flashbacks etc. I’m safe though 


Re: Stuck and can’t escape it.

Aw, sounds really tough right now dearest @Fluttershy1 💜

I do understand💜🫂

Im glad you’re safe 🌺💜 

do you think some grounding or breathing might help? 
if it’s not the right time, please feel free to disregard 🙂🌺

Take care and go gently while you move through the evening won’t you sweetness 💜🌺

Re: Stuck and can’t escape it.

Hey there @Fluttershy1 🙂💜🌺

How are you getting on sweetheart? hoping you’re alright as can be 💜

always holding space for you and sitting with you, and sending you gentleness and kindness 🌺💜

Re: Stuck and can’t escape it.

Hey @Former-Member @PeppyPatti @creative_writer @tyme @Jynx @RiverSeal - things have been really hard, my MH has been not good at all, I have been struggling with all my emotions and to self regulate. Today I’m just sleeping and hiding away in my bed. 

went to emergency department 3 times yesterday for my MH and they refused to help me and told me I looked fine when I wasn’t I ended up getting sent home each time even with tears rolling down my face and yelling at them to help me. 

im safe 

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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Image credit to Louise Denton Photography


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