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Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

Hey there @creative_writer 🌺💜

I can understand not wanting to have too much medication, contrasted with the need to use it to manage bipolar, dearest, especially after dose increases 💜

Managing MH is an ongoing challenge that I believe has many factors that contribute to being able to maintain a state of wellness/remain within our comfort levels, and you’ve touched on one of the major ones, which is finding ways to not look too far into and focus on future possibilities which doesnt have any real purpose, because these possible futures are not a certainty (imho they’re only a possibility, somewhat limited by our own perceptions), and they take energy, focus, and put worry, on today. 
For example, i have an illness for which I need to be taking increasing doses of medication, and this drug affects the other functions of my body with side effects, but treats what it needs to treat. There is a significant risk of future complications from this drug, which will likely require its own treatment, and that treatment will then have its own side effects… knock-on effects in a chain reaction, of a number of serious considerations that will influence how I live my life, which become more complicated the further I look into that future. However, I wonder what is better for my health: is it better to live as best I can each day that I’m in - living in that certain moment - or is it better to keep living in the possible futures that may come to pass, which aren’t certain, with my focus and concern on that, rather than actually living for today?  
I know that if I live only in those possible futures, I’m adding days and days more stress to myself, because I’m always considering a multitude of things that may happen, taking up much of my brain space and emotional energy, while disrupting my emotional state that I need in balance to manage today. I kind of think that I’d rather look to the things that seem to be a likely certainty in the near future, make a plan, and leave that plan for the future in place so I can return to the moment, live in that moment - whatever it may be - and have all my capacity (bandwidth, emotional capacity/resources) available in the moment, to manage as best I can for this day I am in 🙂🌺

So, I guess what all that means is, consider the value it adds or takes away, to be worrying about potential futures which as yet do not have any evidence of coming to pass any time soon, because it’s taking from the resources and energy available to live for today, and only start planning when it looks like balls are already rolling in directions of high probability of happening, imho 💜🌺🤗

I hope that’s helpful sweetheart? 💜🙂

and yes, I do also think there are considerations to take into account with regards to medication and pregnancy, however I was wondering is it worth it to worry about that for the now (a possible future as yet unknown)..or much better to look at getting study done (a certainty), and manage the expectations around marriage with a sense of priority-setting according to your capacity (eg: managing health, juggling study/life, etc)..? 🙂🌺

Said with kindness as always dear Creative_writer, and holding space for you 🤗💜

Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

Morning @creative_writer , @Former-Member 💕❤️

Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

A gentle good morning to you dear Shazzie 🤗🌺💜

@Shaz51 🌺

Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

How are you this morning @Former-Member 😀

Just sitting having a coffee ️ 


Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

I’m not bad thanks @Shaz51 🙂🙌🏻

how are you doing? 🫂🌺

I’m about to have a cuppa tea, so if you like I’ll join you in enjoying a hot cuppa this cool crisp morning..which I’m assuming isn’t very crisp/cold where you are? 😉 

here, the ‘feels like’ temp is 11C 🥶 hehe 

Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

🥶 @Former-Member that is cold , never ever get that here 

On the tablelands gets colder than where I am 

21 degrees early this morning and it will be 28 degrees later in the day 

Feeling like I am numb , don't feel like moving but I will make myself 

But going to do the washing and make another coffee 😁

Husband is taking individual photos of my teapots 🫖 collection 😍 they are looking good and keeping him busy 

Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

Yes it’s a bit chilly @Shaz51 .. usually mid winter we have morning temps of around -5C and days around 10-15C …a little fresh, hehe🥶☺️

I’m sorry things are feeling numb right now, it sounds hard Shaz 💜💜🫂🫂 I’m so sorry 😔💜

keeping busy sounds like a good thing..keeping moving and keeping the regular stuff happening 🌺🙂

I’ll be cooking Anzac Bics, and popping some out for my neighbours, while defrosting some meat to cook meals for the next few days 🙂

Sounds like a nice hobby for your hubby to keep busy.. if you’d like to share some teapot collection pics I’d love to see 🙂🌺💜

take care Shazzie and hugs to you 🤗🌺

Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

@Former-Member I will tag you and put it on the tread Love for Shaz51 💖🐦 

Mum collected elephants 🐘,  so you can imagine ( she never brought one of them ) 

Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

@Former-Member it is true the future is uncertain. I do hope my meds and your meds don’t lead to too many side effects later down the track 💖🫂. I feel like a lot isn’t known about medication, sometimes we need it to get through the day. I would certainly be lost without my meds, SI can be really strong even when I’m on meds, without meds, I would be a mess. We don’t choose our illnesses. I feel like sometimes there is stigma attached to MH medication, but you really can’t think yourself out of MI, and lifestyle stuff helps, but at times it’s not enough.

@Shaz51 I hope your day picks up. It does sound like it’s been super rough for you. Sitting with you. Sending you hugs 💖🫂

Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

Yeah, @creative_writer 🙂💜 the future, when it’s things that aren’t yet on the radar, are very uncertain, and imho, not worth too much consideration till the time comes when they become a blip 🙂🌺

Thank you regarding medication.. I hope that for us both too 🫂🌺

I am taking it for a bone marrow disorder 🙂 

it’s true that lots isn’t known about medications - particularly in MH, however that’s also the case with some rare disorders..this one here is experimental  😉 

And MH medications do come with stigma, I agree.  
I think you’ve said it really well: you can’t think yourself out..I feel that with this problem I have which is virtually invisible - people often tell me I ‘look fine’ hehe. And it’s like that with MH… just because it’s not seen with eyes, doesn’t mean that without support things can be overcome 🙂🌺

I hope your afternoon is going ok 🙂🫂

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