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Re: Good Morning

gday @TAB Hows work been ?

Re: Good Morning

@Meowmy @Appleblossom @BryanaCamp have been struggling over the past few weeks. Due to having a bug. Life has fallen apart basically. My mi has flared up significantly. Plus financial issues have come to the surface. And being influenced by example. Suffered from peer pressure.

Re: Good Morning

@eudemonism sorry to hear your struggles. Hope you recover physically soon. Hope you find strength to deal with your financial situation and MI flare up. Keep you in prayer. Take care.

Re: Good Morning

@greenpea Sounds like a good Saturday. I had a bit of episode. One of the taps in the bathroom was leaking. My uncle came to change it, but we couldn’t turn off the main water tap, so water spilled so hard everywhere. Then a neighbor helped to find the correct water main tap. So what a drama. Now my house is all wet , also the carpets. May need to get someone to dry them next week. But I am feeling ok. I went for a good walk and lunch out, Have a great evening. Take care.

Re: Good Morning

@Meowmy  oh ear that kind of excitement you don't need .... hoping you can get it cleaned up and don't need to get anyone in.  Poor uncle he meant well. Good that you went out for lunch and a walk, today was beautiful weather :). You have a great evening too. Love greenpeaxxxx

Re: Good Morning

@greenpea thanks for care. Now I feel more confidence to clean up the house myself! 

Re: Good Morning

@Meowmy :Dxx

Re: Good Morning

@Meowmy do you own a car?

Re: Good Morning

Re: Good Morning

@MDT  Good evening Hamsolo01 😄

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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Image credit to Louise Denton Photography


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