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Re: The Walking for Wellbeing Thread

I know I've done very little walking this year. But starting next week my Outreach worker and I will be walking together. Having our get together and chat while we walk. I hope this will lead to doing others things to look after myself.
One step at a time.

Re: The Walking for Wellbeing Thread

Making a commitment to get back into some exercise, need to burn off some nervous energy and anxiety. I started the day with a 5.7 km walk (7500 steps)  and finished up with 11.35km (13600 steps) total for the day. 

Re: The Walking for Wellbeing Thread

Oh, well done @Determined .... ❣️

I am aceraging somewhere around 5km / day most days ..... happy with that .....

Re: The Walking for Wellbeing Thread

Was hoping for another walk this morning @Faith-and-Hope but someone was not pleased by my absence yesterday, don't want to inflame things so once again my aspirations are on hold to keep the peace. Have managed 4200 steps this morning doing the mowing however. (Some of that probably registered on the rideon) either way I was out moving and sweating that has to count for something. 

Re: The Walking for Wellbeing Thread

Sure does @Determined .....

Re: The Walking for Wellbeing Thread

Final tally for today was 7000 steps. (5.8km)
Aimimg to achieve a consistent average of 10k steps.

Re: The Walking for Wellbeing Thread

2.1km here today ....

Re: The Walking for Wellbeing Thread

Hello @Faith-and-Hope, @soul, @Determined, @utopia, @eudemonism

I cleaned for 7 hours today , I wonder how many steps i did -- a lot , sooo tired now

Re: The Walking for Wellbeing Thread

7-hours is probably 30,000 steps @Shaz51. That's a lot of cleaning in one day. No wonder you're tired.

Re: The Walking for Wellbeing Thread

@utopia, our customer gives us lunch so last night we were tired and had leftovers for dinner xx

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