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Re: Topic Tuesday // How to support yourself while supporting others // Tues 18 June, 7pm AEST

Hi @Adge  thanks for sharing your experience tonight. Really glad to hear that you have the support of a psychologist and that you are proactive in using support lines - you are utlising a support system that is designed for this very thing- To Support You! 

Re: Topic Tuesday // How to support yourself while supporting others // Tues 18 June, 7pm AEST


Hey, that happens to me too. That's why I only talk to professionals about the heavy stuff because they are more able to handle it and undhmy feelings. And they dont show, or least try not to show, any frustrations by talking about the same issues bec6they know how deeply it impacts me

Re: Topic Tuesday // How to support yourself while supporting others // Tues 18 June, 7pm AEST

That is one of the trickier parts of living with mental illness @Froggyhawk  This is where support groups and online communities can be super amazing because we all share lived experience 🙂

Re: Topic Tuesday // How to support yourself while supporting others // Tues 18 June, 7pm AEST

I've been doing 2 yoga classes every week, for the past 8 years.

That helps too.

My psychologist was the one who first encouraged me to try yoga.

Several yoga teachers told me that they first started doing yoga (as students) - to help them to manage their anxiety.


Re: Topic Tuesday // How to support yourself while supporting others // Tues 18 June, 7pm AEST

@eheadspace @Former-Member  I would add getting some exercise if possible to the list of health-oriented self-care methods.  I do water tai chi twice a week and it really takes my mind off everything outside the pool for 1/2 hour.  Whatever is possible.  When I was house-bound and caring 24/7 I used to do laps of the corridor!

Spending a little time, even 5 minutes, outside is really good too.

I do think that sleep management is pretty much the most important thing.  I have learned about 'sleep hygeine' as it's called (something else you can google, there's heaps online about it).  I still have very broken sleep but enough overall since I stopped all 'blue screen' activities between 10pm and 6am (phone and computer).  I get back to sleep much faster instead of coming online or on the phone and going 'down the rabbit hole' for hours.

Re: Topic Tuesday // How to support yourself while supporting others // Tues 18 June, 7pm AEST

@Adge amazing! 

Re: Topic Tuesday // How to support yourself while supporting others // Tues 18 June, 7pm AEST

Even just now i had my son walk in wanting me to do stuff for him.  My family don't respect my need for time out for self care. They think I am always available.  i am when it counts but I need space. How do i manage that?

Re: Topic Tuesday // How to support yourself while supporting others // Tues 18 June, 7pm AEST

Yoga is quite incredible! Anything integrating body and mind if a winner @Adge  Thank you for sharing 🙂 


@eth  wonderful insights, sleep management is also a key notion that tends to get de-prioritised. Especially important for young people to consider.

Re: Topic Tuesday // How to support yourself while supporting others // Tues 18 June, 7pm AEST

@eth thanks for sharing your insight... love all those sugestions and so very important about the sleep management stuff! : )

Re: Topic Tuesday // How to support yourself while supporting others // Tues 18 June, 7pm AEST

Maybe being more stern with your boundaries? Especially if you're the parent? Idk because I'm a young person so its just a suggestion. I wouldn't know what its like on the other end lol

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