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Topic Tuesday // Caring about, not caring for // Tues 20 Aug, 7pm AEDT



In this Topic Tuesday we will be looking at what it’s like to care about someone in your life, even if you aren’t a carer or do not identify as a carer. Maybe your friend is going through a tough time with their mental health and you want to help them? Maybe a family member is struggling and you want to support them as much as you can. We will cover things like how to have a supportive conversation with someone, what can you do if someone doesn’t want help. For those carers that are a bit more informed on these things – please do join us and share your experiences and insights as we knowledge share throughout the night too!


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I'm new here - what is Topic Tuesday?

Topic Tuesday runs from 7pm - 9pm AEST monthly. Each month we focus on a different topic, with the session facilitated by a Community Manager or Moderator. Sometimes Topic Tuesday will feature a special guest, who is an expert in the topic.

The first post of the thread (this one) will give you an idea of what the topic is and what will be covered.


How do I get involved?

Topic Tuesday takes place right here! It's text based, so no software is needed. During the session, to keep up with the latest posts hit the 'refresh' button on your browser for the latest posts (it doesn't automatically update). Keep an eye for page numbers at the top & bottom of the page, and jump to the highest page number for the most recent post.


Throughout the session, the facilitator will put questions out for you to answer, usually asking for your own experience on the topic. To contribute to the session, just hit the 'reply' button and share your thoughts. No answers are right or wrong and everyone is welcome to get involved.


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Re: Topic Tuesday // Caring about, not caring for // Tues 20 Aug, 7pm AEDT

Hi everyone and welcome to tonights Topic Tuesday! @Kelly69 @outlander @Determined @DP-64 @eth @CheerBear @BearHugs @Leaf @Louis41 @Shaz51 


Tonight we are talking about caring about people or a person in your life. Here in the carers side of our forum, many people come through for support and advice but not everyone necessarily is or identifies as a carer. You could be a family member helping your child through a tricky time, you could be a co-worker of someone you are concerned about. Or maybe you do identify as a carer looking after your partner. The common factor is caring. So tonight, I’ll share some prompting questions to get a conversation flowing for us to share our insights. These events are great opportunities to learn from each other as we go!


To start things off, can you tell me what brought you here tonight or got you interested in this topic? 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Caring about, not caring for // Tues 20 Aug, 7pm AEDT

hi @Former-Member and everyone

Re: Topic Tuesday // Caring about, not caring for // Tues 20 Aug, 7pm AEDT

@Former-Member , hello here caring for my husband and mum 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Caring about, not caring for // Tues 20 Aug, 7pm AEDT

Hello @outlander - thanks for joining tonight 😊

Re: Topic Tuesday // Caring about, not caring for // Tues 20 Aug, 7pm AEDT

I have an adult daughter diagnosed with bipolar 2 and would like to know more about how to assist her to manage her life with this condition, having searched unsuccessfully for support groups for people in my position.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Caring about, not caring for // Tues 20 Aug, 7pm AEDT

hi @Louis41 and welcome! I hope you find tonights chat helpful. please feel free to stay after the chat and create a thread for yourself as well., we have many carers with loved ones with bipolar who im sure would be able to offer you some advice and support too.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Caring about, not caring for // Tues 20 Aug, 7pm AEDT

@Louis41 , @Former-Member , @outlander 

My husband has bipolar 2 and looke after my elderly mum 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Caring about, not caring for // Tues 20 Aug, 7pm AEDT

Hi I’m not sure if I am in the right place 

it’s my first time in the forum 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Caring about, not caring for // Tues 20 Aug, 7pm AEDT

Welcome @Shaz51 and welcome to the forums @Louis41 great to have you join us for tonight! Its wonderful that you are looking at ways to support your daughter. While we may not be going into details of what to do for specific diagnosis, we will be covering really helpful ways to support loved ones which will hopefully be useful for you and everyone. If you feel you want some more support and advice after the event please feel free to start a thread in the forums and share your story with us as well ☺️

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