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Re: My Mosaic

Hey @Bow ,


Good to hear from you. It sounds like a lot has been happening for you.


May I ask, why did you sell the car and then need to look for a new one? Is it because it wasn't working? 


I was going to sell mine, but I think I'll give it to my parents interstate. Not sure yet.


Hope everything goes well including the med tweak. 


From what I vaguely remember, ECT is okay for you? Do you have concerns with having ECT again?

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

@tyme  I had a small hatchback nothing wrong with it. And my step dad had a large SUV. We have no need for 2 cars since my step dad passed cause mum doesn’t drive, but we do need an suv for markets and I hate the large suv we have. So selling both and getting a smaller suv. Hope that makes sense? 

ECT worked well for me last year. But it did cause memory issues (I asked mum about a cousin of mine recently…. Only to be informed that he passed away in the middle of me having ECT. That impacted me hugely. To of forgotten something so significant). It’s also the lengthy hospital stay. Pdoc is also talking about the 12 initial treatments and then monthly maintenance. 

Re: My Mosaic

Oh! @Bow , that makes sense. Fair enough. I've ordered an electric SUV. It's got another few months before it's ready. Takes months to order a car now. Actually, second-hand cars are going like hot cakes because of the long wait for new cars.


With the ECT, I can see how it can be stressful and it has side effects. But the memory issues were only short term, right? 

Re: My Mosaic

I totally understand the memory loss with ECT @Bow It is hard to accept.

I think I might have told you before but I had the same thing, 12 sessions as an inpatient and now still doing the monthly maintenance ECT. I am finding the monthly isn't coming with any memory loss, but of course we all respond to it differently.

I have had quite a bit of ECT over the years. I guess I have to weigh up the short term memory loss against how it has helped me. I will say however that it has saved my life. I have always had it when I have gotten to that point, where nothing else is keeping me alive.


This is just my experience and of course we are all so different.

All I can say is choose what is right for you. There are so many factors that come into play when we think about having an admission. It affects so many others too.


I hope today goes ok for you hon. Sending lots of love and hugs 💗💗

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Thanks for sharing that @Snowie  i appreciate it. 

my pdoc originally talked about being able to do ECT as an out patient, all of it. But I think he has since said that that’s not possible. So I’d have to go in for the initial 12 and yeah then the monthly maintenance. 
I was really hoping that it wouldn’t come to ECT, but he seems to think it’s the best option. He did also talk about a new antidepressant, but it’s not on the pbs and it’s really expensive 😩


we went and bought a new car today! Well it’s 2 yrs old with low kms. I’ll go pick it up later this week. 
I got back in our car to drive home and I was absolutely exhausted. So much mental overload. I’ve been spent all afternoon. 
but need to keep myself busy…. Keep thinking d will be home In a couple of hours, but she won’t…. She’s trying a sleep over at her father’s again. My anxiety is super high 


hi @Jynx  friend 👋 how r u?


Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

@Bow oh nice, new car is always fun!! You gonna pimp it out with dope seat covers, a fuzzy steering wheel cover, and some zesty air fresheners? Hehehe


I'm not too shabby thanks hun, I've been enjoying watching my cats be extra silly cos it's flea-treatment time, and they both have to wear lil cones of shame to prevent them from grooming it off each other 😂


Sounds like a big day for ya! Much on for the rest of the weekend? 


Heya @Snowie! How you travelling today darl? 

Re: My Mosaic

There is a lot to weigh up when it comes to having ECT @Bow, especially when it will require a hospital visit. I don't think I had the choice when it came to being admitted. It was either me agree or be forced to go in. Also I couldn't make hubby drive me 3 times a week to the hospital and wait for me, especially when we live over an hour away. I had to get the kids to school too. There are a lot of things to weigh up.


Congrats on the new car. It is exhausting. Were you able to trade yours in?


Maybe you can do something nice for yourself tonight. A nice bath, some lego, an early night. Something just for you.

Re: My Mosaic

I'm ok @Jynx 

D had all 4 wisdom teeth out yesterday so just been looking after her. 

Just watching the footy with a cuppa.


Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Yeah lots to weigh up eh @Snowie  if my pdoc makes that decision then I guess I’ll then have to have a conversation with mum. Our local hospital is only a 5 min drive away, so I’m hoping that they will at least let me have lots of leave. I remember when I had ECT many many years ago, I basically went in the night before, had ECT the next morning and then once I was recovered later that afternoon, I went home. I’d have to rely on my SW and other SW’s probably for transport though or an Uber.


Yea we were able to trade our big suv in, but didn’t get anywhere near what we wanted. I seen the same model listed on caresales with more kms for more than double what they gave us. So will be interesting to keep an eye on car sales and see what they try and sell it for. 

yeah maybe a nice hot shower and a movie in bed. 

how’s your day been? How’s D’s Mouth?

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

@Snowie oh wow all four at once?! Poor lil deary, I imagine she'd be all puffy 😂 Ice cream and scrambled eggs for a while eh? 

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