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Re: What your profile pic says about you?

sandy, can I come with? Let's not take the kids but order a choc bomb

Re: What your profile pic says about you?

I'm a redhead and my favourite colour is red. And I'm obsessed with sci-fi so this picture seemed fitting.

Re: What your profile pic says about you?

Because I am so unco with computers I chose the Pengins too. I like to dress up and enjoy company others people. One of my favourite movies is....can you guess because I can't! Oh that's right HAPPY FEET. Bit tired tonight. Had my ACT course today, ahrd work but great results.

Re: What your profile pic says about you?


Hey that's great that you're doing an ACT course! I found it a real game-changer for me in terms of being able to tolerate much higher distress and anxiety levels, and be able to sit with them and learn from the feelings. I did a trauma recovery focussed ACT course with CASA, it was just what I needed.

Keep up the good work, it's a long but worthwhile journey. When you stumble please remember to be kind to yourself - as you would to a dear friend who is having a very hard time through no fault of their own. Self-compassion is key.

Take care of you.

Hope for learning self-compassion and understanding endures...

Kindest regards, 


Re: What your profile pic says about you?

I think I shall have to upgrade my pic. The knitting needles with wool hardly is appropriate for the great hulking sweaty footy player, hairy everywhere but for the head, complete with tats depicting my deep involvement with Morris Dancing, and the collector in me with a wide collection of Barbie Dolls.....

Oh...all right....that is a fantasy ....I really am a middle aged grey haired spinster who goes to church, knits for charities and cooks for some blokes and does their ironing!

Re: What your profile pic says about you?

My profile picture is a self portrait I painted on a broke wooden board. At the time I was on the verge of drug induced psychosis.

Re: What your profile pic says about you?

So......a sweaty hulk of a football player knitting ? I've read it all........
I've not able to read last sentence......

Re: What your profile pic says about you?

My profile pic is my first choice to begin 'street art'.... Super excited

Re: What your profile pic says about you?

Late to this thread, but wanted to share.

Mine is a four leaf clover that I found on the way home from work one day. Yup that's my thumb .

One of my hobbies for the last several years has been finding and collecting four leaf clovers. It is much easier than people think, and I have found between three and four hundred at this point, I stopped keeping a proper count after 200.

I have also found a number of five leaf clovers and one six leafed clover.

It's a fun one because most people have never found one, and I have helped several friends to find their first. Last year for Xmas I made everyone in the family a piece of jewellery with a four leaf clover in it and it was a great hit. Can't see myself topping that!

Re: What your profile pic says about you?

I reckon ur on to something Neb. I absolutely agree that we all adopt Neb's attitude. MH it is. Well I can only speak for me that is. My pic I chose is because I love birds. Particularly the MockingJay for their ability to mimick what they hear n sing it in such a beautiful melody. Annd because I love to have a chat. That's why the parrot pic suits me.
Illustration of people sitting and standing

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Image credit to Louise Denton Photography


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