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What your profile pic says about you?

A picture says a thousand words.

I'm marvelling at everyone's profile pics. There's so many beautiful, unique and creative pictures and I'm wondering what they mean for people? What does your profile picture say about you? It'd be great to learn a bit more about each other. 

I'll start off with mine: As you can see it's an upside dog biting it's toes/paws.

- I LOOOOVE dogs. I don't have one, because I live in an apartment and it's not permitted, but I will get one, one day.

-I think my profile pic  says a lot about my personality too (friendly, sociable, approachable, enjoys a laugh).

- I also love doing yoga - hence the 'upside down dog' as opposed to the posture commonly known as 'upward dog'.

Now it's your turn!

P.S. I'm following on from the 'light and fluffy' idea, which I think is fantastic. Thanks for the suggestion, Chemorno! 


Re: What your profile pic says about you?

My picture shows that I am not very savvy at technology as I am using pics from the website. However, I do love birds, especially colourful parrots and as this a chat forum, I thought a chatty bird might just be the pic for my profile! Squawk squawk...

Re: What your profile pic says about you?


My pic is a heart surrounded by fire. I think of it as refiner's fire which is the name of a song (hymn) I really love. It reminds me of the transformation that has taken place in me in this journey through MI - which it may sound strange but I am now grateful for it. I wouldn't be who I am without it.

I've suffered a lot of pain, and I know I will go through more "stuff" as I continue to go through life, but I have learned and gained so much strength from this I wouldn't undo it if I could. I know I will survive and be ok.

Have I mentioned before that I'm pig-headed? If I didn't use this I'd probably have to use a pig's head, and this is rather more attractive to look at 🙂


Re: What your profile pic says about you?

Oh dear...I'm The Hobbit, not necessarily because I am really into Lord of the Rings, but because I'm not very tall...and people have been known to refer to me as The Hobbit.

It's all I could think of!!!

Re: What your profile pic says about you?

This is fun...


There's not a whole lot to mine.


Yellow is my favourite colour & the little person is silly looking... and I tend to be the silly one... So i thought it would be fitting 🙂



Re: What your profile pic says about you?


Cute picture. The Hobbit is one of my favourite books, Tolkein one of my favourite authors. And I also have duck's disease (otherwise known as being a short-a... ). Did you know that hobbits like to have multiple breakfasts? Second and if possible third breakfast are important meals. You might prefer to skip them before lunch though. Welcome, and thanks for sharing 🙂

Best regards,


Re: What your profile pic says about you?

Hi all. CherryBomb is spot on about the vast range of beautiful and unique profile pics.

I chose penguins because to me they represent community, they always dress well and I do love the cartoon Adventure Time (actually I'm more than a fan I have many collectibles, clothes and books hehehehe) but i digress, one of the characters is called Gunter and he is a penguin. He is the most evil creature in the known Universe (but has a good heart) and he plays keyboards.

I particularily like the pic I chose because to me it represents how important it is to have someone to walk by your side.



Re: What your profile pic says about you?

Penguins also remind of priplup from Pokemon. Also a cool penguin😄
My boys tell me Gunter is way cool, and he only works for an evil overlord, Ice King. Yes well iIce King is always trying to steal the princess..oops..gotten onto plot lines from Adventure Time...

Re: What your profile pic says about you?

I like to think mine is a reflection of my sense of humour 🙂

Re: What your profile pic says about you?

Mine is simply because I am craft crazy. It was very important to me when an involuntary patient, and those years are very blurry, I could see a cross stitch or something from that time, therefore, not wasted. It is also very grounding when stressed, as I stress very easily. Incidentally, why do we use MI for mental illness, I think M H is better for mental health. MI to me having been a nurse just screams Myocardial Infarction to me?

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