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Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

am ok  now, thanks. just sorted post hosp accom. got early check in for like $40 extra instead of paying extra day @Glisten  as will need somewhere to hang at like 9am lol

just a bit gluggy in guts and arthritic in knees w touch of head ache now lol 

back leaving me alone for time being. not usual thing its right on spine near base as opposed to higher up and to the right where normally is.

Shower very shortly. cant hurt. thanks. not saying help me, just saying .. and if that means another day in bed, so be it. but am gettimgn moving for now. w meds in bag , list of things to do etc lol

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB  go with your good self my friend.

Safe travels. May the road rise to meet you, May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, The rains fall soft upon your fields.


Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

..sweet and my wallet have some '50s in it and creme on my back .. lolo .. @Glisten 😁

Re: Tabaluga's

Sorry to hear you aren't doing well today @TAB you have my support. Just been busy around the house today.  Will go and meditate soon. Does the cat like roo mince? My dog used to eat emu and roo. There was a small business near where I used to live that made pet food and home deliver. The owner would bring my dog a huge emu girdle to munch on. My dogs eyes popped out of his head. The owner of the business used to be in the pet food industry and decided to make his own pet food. My psychiatric nurse told me about the business so I signed up. We all had our dog food delivered by the same place! Business was booming in the MAD community! lol

Re: Tabaluga's

Morning Peeps @Meowmy @TAB @Bill16 @Glisten @SmilingGecko 


OK, so I slept something off there I think? lol



Re: Tabaluga's

Good to hear you are feeling okay @StuF if that is what you meant? Just had lunch am about to go for a walk later on. Will squeeze in some meditation before that. Same old routine. Hope you are weathering your virus well. I've squeezed in a lot for today which is good

Re: Tabaluga's

@StuF @TAB @Bill16 hey cool friends, on lunch break. Need to go for dr after work . Hope you're all okay.

Re: Tabaluga's

Yeah @SmilingGecko  - I'm feeling ok. Slept in Bigtime, but feel maybe I needed it


Good on you. I'm still considering the walk thing. Pretty ordinary weather today...

Re: Tabaluga's

Hey @Meowmy 

I hope the Dr is good. Is this the new one?

Re: Tabaluga's

@StuF yea new dr. Hope he will be good.

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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Image credit to Louise Denton Photography


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