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Re: Good Morning!

Gotcha @TAB 🌺🙂

Re: Good Morning!

thanks @Historylover 

Re: Good Morning!

Hi @saturnzoon I'm thinking of you.

I hope that you are really listened to by your Psychiatrist.

Wishing for things to improve for you really soon.


Re: Good Morning!

Hi @PeppyPatti I hope today is going well for you 💖

@TAB totally get you on not fitting in. I never did, my brain was too ND compared to my NT peers. I was very socially anxious and still am. It makes a lot of sense to find relief from the pain and loneliness. When I was a teen I started SH, it became my outlet because I felt like what I was feeling was not okay and I did not know how to cope. Not all of us grow up with parents who have learnt to self regulate. I think it’s important to recognise that. How are you feeling today?

@Historylover happy to hear all is well. I’ve just been busy with uni assignments. Have you been up to much?

Re: Good Morning!

@Glisten my Saturday was okay. My day has been busy, having a bit of a migraine, but that comes with high stressful periods. I hope Sunday has been kind towards you 💖

Re: Good Morning!

was having a nap here @creative_writer  I am okay enough, thanks 😊

Re: Good Morning!

@TAB I hope it was a restful nap 😊. I honestly gave up napping when I was a toddler and rarely nap to this day. Can’t sleep with the light

Re: Good Morning!


Evening sane friends


My daughter in law had to go to hospital this morning from a little bit worried about bubs who is due on Friday, the hospital are going to bring labour on tonight if she does not start labour naturally as to risky to wait.

Hopefully everything will go well and a little boy will be coming to join family. 


Hard to concentrate on anything with my anxiety sky high as this little one will be the first out of 3 grandchildren that I will actually be able to see as a newborn and be there for him in his life as he grows up.


Hope everyone has had a safe and good day and thank you @Former-Member for advice, re psychiatrist app on Wednesday I have been trying to have information for him about what's been happening and what trouble I've been having trying to cope with agraphobia and panic attacks if I didn't keep notes then I always forget what happens as memory is not there.

@TAB @creative_writer @Adge @Historylover @Glisten @Shaz51 @Adge @Historylover @PeppyPatti @tonys 

Re: Good Morning!

@saturnzoon congratulations for your new grandchild. Hope you start to feel better soon and Dr can help on Wednesday. Take care


Re: Good Morning!

think it helps somehow @creative_writer  I was out to it anyways

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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