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Re: Recent Diagnosis Bipolar 2

Hi Franky,
I'm a 30yr old female, also working and in a very corporate environment. Have recently been diagnosed with Bipolar 2 and am feeling like a fish out of water everywhere i go now. Like no-one gets me 😕
How is your journey going?

Re: Recent Diagnosis Bipolar 2

Hi, I am glad I found this thread. 

Re: Recent Diagnosis Bipolar 2

Hello @asdf , @FrankyW84 , @Rachael1 , @Newby , @Upndownnupndown 

@CheerBear, @Corny , @Sophie1 , @Former-Member 

Hello @whatsinaname , how are you going my friend

my husband was diagnosed with Generalised Anxiety Disorder and Major Depressionand Inherited depression and other diagnosis before bipolar 2

@Newby  my husband  has suspected that he  had bipolar for some timeand the doctor even di the tests to see if he had ADHD

thank you for all your messages , hugs and like to hear from you soon


Re: Recent Diagnosis Bipolar 2

Everyone's trajectory into mental ill-health is different @Shaz51 and maybe looking back on his life he can see some early signs or a turning point that tipped the scales, a lot of the medical science of it remains a complete mystery.


My mate has treatment resistant Bipolar with mixed states and rapid cycling, he's just been readmitted to hospital this week and my heart breaks for him. He is suffering so much and is treatment resistant, tried every combination imaginable.


Until you get a MI of your own you can't appreciate how much stamina it takes to keep going and just maintaining your baseline takes so much effort. Some people develop Bipolar at 14 years old, others much later, and the symptoms and their ratios can change so suddenly and dramatically which is scary. My sib was saying someone she knows, that Bipolar has just manifested for their partner at 60 and it was a male, so no menopause there.


There are some patients that I met on the ward that had Bipolar & were not responding to any treatment, that I will never forget. Their suffering was just plain cruel and torturous to watch. You would never let a pet suffer like that. I tip my hat to them.


Its very hard to accept that this is your life now, if you have a complex, chronic MI and you can't get Beyond Blue. It takes time, and a lot of sadness along the way, some days you can accept it and some days you can't, I guess it is a process. 


Corny Heart


We have good days and we have bad days. I was having an okay day. Now feeling the slump of the afternoon. I explained it to someone who doesn't have MI that having bipolar 2 I was happy to just get through the day. For someone who suffers they understand that is bloody hard to get through the day. To power through and not give in to those thoughts that say you aren't good enough. You aren't loveable.


This is a totally different tangent.....yesterday I had my psychologist appointment. That is very draining. My psychologist finds it bizzare that I have such low self esteem and that I need to be filled up my others. Well, if I could fill myself up, do you think I would have needed 12+ years of therapy? Nope!!!! I would be out there living my best life. 

Re: Recent Diagnosis Bipolar 2

I hate my diagnosis. I wish with everything that I had that I was my brother. He had the same childhood, experienced the same things. Yet, he is a happy go lucky kind of guy. He does use alcohol to relax though. That I don't do. If I did on the medication I am on. It would not be pretty. 

Re: Recent Diagnosis Bipolar 2

I love this reply. Full of emotion and truth. Anyone with bipolar disorder has not only walked a difficult path, they have more to walk of it. It's a lofe long journey.


I haven't been in touch with this forum for a while, just been busy getting on with things. Life won't wait for the slow to catch up. I've had and continue to have my ups and downs. Anyway, love to all and merry Christmas for 2019. May all of your goals come true in 2020. 🎄🌟

Re: Days

I agree with everything you've written. Bipolar 2 is a hard disorder to live with; too unpredictable to hold down fulltime work but not sick enough to qualify for a DSP pension. It's a cruel space to end up in. All we can do is our best. Merry Christmas 🎄🌟

Re: Recent Diagnosis Bipolar 2

Where are the people who are not freaked out by mental illness?

Re: Recent Diagnosis Bipolar 2

Its been a few years since I got told i was bi polar ans I think at times I feel like the medication helps and others not so much. Drinking always throws me out, it can be that night nights later or a week or so. Little things can make me flip over and go into lows. I kinda like my hyper moods..

But the lows after are not the greatest.


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