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Senior Contributor

Planning for your next hospital stay?

Are there any resources out there to help you plan your care for your next inpatient stint? Something practical, that could be mapped out in advance and shared with your nurses and other MH professionals by your kin, if you’re not going to be able to self advocate very well due to the nature of your mental illness. I’ve tried googling, but I’m only coming up with palliative care stuff. 

I’m very close to being discharged from outpatient, but I would feel better about it if I had a practical plan worked out for if I have to return. 


Re: Planning for your next hospital stay?

Hi @Gwynn 


You could look at doing an advanced directive or advanced care plan which basically is a plan on how you want things to be managed when you are unable to manage them yourself. 



Re: Planning for your next hospital stay?

Hi @Gwynn I've just recently come home from a 5 week stay at a private mental health unit.  The nursing staff on admission complete paperwork on what your goals are for the stay ie. change of meds, respite etc etc

On discharge they make sure I had phone numbers of crisis support; I was put in touch with the outpatient co-ordinator for group therapy; i was given a plan that i and the nurse worked together eg. go for a daily walk; knitting, read through some of the inpatient books i received while there.

I also was given their direct number in case i felt i needed to chat to someone or be re-admitted.


I hope this makes sense to you?? Is this what you are referring to??


Re: Planning for your next hospital stay?

Yeah, @BlueBay, this is what I'm referring to. Apparently the term I'm looking for is 'discharge planning'. - here's something on how to write a discharge plan (for vets, but still mostly applicable, haha)
and here's something from the US government that's more mental health specific:

Re: Planning for your next hospital stay?

My peer worker got back to me about this recently, and because she's a gem and knows that if I have another psychosis it will probably be stress induced and therefore at the worst possible time, she found this resource for me:


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