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Re: Stuck and can’t escape it.

Re: Stuck and can’t escape it.

Thanks for sharing @Fluttershy1 . I hear how hard it has been for you. I wonder if they kept discharging you because they really weren't able to support you in hospital and instead, feel you need support in the community? 


What support do you think they could have given you over the weekend? Were you able to tell them what you wanted?


I'm hearing how stressful things are for you at the moment. Yet good on you for reaching out and hopping on the Live Sunday Hangout. We will have it each Sunday for the time being. Hopefully you can connect with us again and just have a bit of time to let go of life's stressors?


You are doing your best and that's all anyone can ask of you.

Re: Stuck and can’t escape it.

@tyme - I needed a crisis admission but they only saw me for 10 minutes not even then sent me on my way. Oh well. 

im safe 

Re: Stuck and can’t escape it.

Thanks for the tag mate I’m about to head to sleep but I hope your ok

Re: Stuck and can’t escape it.

I wonder if they felt you were strong enough to try and help yourself, and thus they sent you away @Fluttershy1 ?


Did you ask for a crisis admission?

Re: Stuck and can’t escape it.

Yeah but they weren't listening which was also frustrating me because I was struggling. @tyme - I’m safe now

Re: Stuck and can’t escape it.

@ArraDreaming - have a good sleep

Re: Stuck and can’t escape it.

Hope you are doing ok @Fluttershy1. Thanks for the lovely message.

Re: Stuck and can’t escape it.

@WildFlower1 - I’m pushing through the best I can. It isn’t easy but yeah

Re: Stuck and can’t escape it.

Hugs @Fluttershy1 . I'm off now, But will catch you later in the week. Please take care.

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