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Re: Struggling with everything



It is just after 8.00 pm where I am. Are you resting at the moment?


I am aware that a lot of people here on the forums have expressed concern for you.

Admittedly we can only support each other through our "digital links", however, if thoughts and care travel through air, you have certainly got a lot of support.


Best Wishes


Re: Struggling with everything

I'm hiding in bed @HenryX 

Re: Struggling with everything

@Fluttershy1 you have your forum friends who care Heart

Re: Struggling with everything

Aweeee thanks @LostAngel 

Re: Struggling with everything

Hi @Fluttershy1 

Wishing you a good day today sweetheart and hoping it is a little better then yesterday.

Lots and lots of love and hugs sent your way 💜💕💌💟

Re: Struggling with everything

Been crying @Snowie

I feel so alone and worthless. 
Am safe

Re: Struggling with everything

Glad you are safe @Fluttershy1 

You are not alone hon, we are here with you and for you 💟💟

Re: Struggling with everything

Everything seems so hard @Snowie , 

it's hard to even hold my tears back. I just wish it was eaiser. 
I feel like a mistake and a failure. 
am safe


sometimes I wish I could give up but I don't. 

am safe

Re: Struggling with everything

You show so much strength to keep going when times are tough @Fluttershy1 

You should be proud of yourself hon.


Sometimes crying is a good way to let out our feelings.

You are certainly not a mistake or a failure. You are a strong person that keeps going when it feels like there is no hope.


Re: Struggling with everything

I feel like that @Snowie

sometimes I really feel like there is no hope 💔,

it's scary when I'm riding the rollercoaster with my emotions and all of that. I feel like it never ends . I wish the pain would stop 💔😔.


family are not being supportive and helpful they have just been quite rude & judgemental. 

sometimes I ask myself why do I even try with them. 

am safe

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