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Re: Self care by growing a garden

I think the key to getting our garden done is going to be like other goals I have been able to achieve @Smc @eudemonism, that is dividing the job into small sections and persistent effort - doing a little bit on a regular basis. 



Re: Self care by growing a garden

Yea that's it aye @Former-Member i got a few small and easy jobs i could do in the garden... a method behind the madness...

Re: Self care by growing a garden

I once edged a pathway moving 3 rocks a day Eude, took a while but eventually got job done. We divide our mowing into sections too @eudemonism

Re: Self care by growing a garden

@Former-Member I'm unsure of what your garden is like... as for me... I'm gonna start simplifying, minimising and amplifying what i already got...

Re: Self care by growing a garden

We are on a small acreage @eudemonism

Re: Self care by growing a garden

@Former-Member is it hard work to look after?

Re: Self care by growing a garden

Most of it is paddocks @eudemonism.  Took on too much of a garden area too soon after acquiring the place. Over 4 years Mr D had a number of psychiatric and orthopaedic admissions.  Getting the place back under control hasn't been too bad but need a few plants if we are to fill the beds we made (= $$$).

Re: Self care by growing a garden

We've only got a 1/3 acre town block, even with the "leasehold" bit counted in. It's very thickly planted around the house, with lots of fruiting trees and bushes squeezed in as well as herbs and "pretties". I'm thinking with the very hard summer coming up, I might leave the backyard mostly "fallow" and plant the vegs close to the house where they will get water. Perhaps with the exception of the pumpkins. They get too big to fit into the little bit of space available.


Re: Self care by growing a garden


Hot and dry = 😬

Did you bring any more plants back from your latest trip?

Re: Self care by growing a garden

@Former-Member, I've got a whole lot more of Mum's bromeliads that have come back bare rooted, so I need to pot them. We found yet another of Dad's irises in a pot... every time I think I've found all of them. Every time at least one more comes out of hiding...  😛 Also managed to crowbar out a clump of cliveas, so they've been divided into two clumps plus little single offsets that broke off. They grow better in clumps, so I've left the single ones with my sister, whose experience with growing orchids should mean she'll have a better chance with those than I will. I've taken a big clump which I'll try to divide in two and give one of those to my sister too; and the other clump has been given to the family friend who originally gave that clivea to Mum. She'd lost hers, so now she has it back again. 🙂

We also brought back some of Dad's cactii in the trailer. They were a challenge to pack. The biggest ones were 3' or so tall, and since they take years to reach that size, we were very much trying not to damage them. We found some short lengths of steel gutter, so we used those as "stretchers" after wrapping the cactii in ragged towels, so that we could lay them down in the trailer without damaging them. Those have stayed with my sister. I'm interested in having a few of them, but she's more keen than I am. A dozen or so will be enough for me.

The assorted peas and broad beans that I'd planted at their house in late winter were bearing well, so we had a couple of nice serves with our meals. I've put in some tomato plants, and hoping those and the beans I planted last trip will be ready next time I go there. Which won't be until sometime around Jan/Feb. next year.

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