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Im feeling Angry but at the same time Dont care

hey everyone ,Im feeling angry currently and like I dont care after trying to hype myself up enough to be happy or optimistic today about what I could possibly budget or get done for christmas in terms of food and gifts for family,Ive logged on to find out that my Centrelink payment is set to go on hold this angers me cause I need to to think so much about my youngest brother at the moment with him tranferring to high school next year and all that enrollment paperwork weve been through ect and also another important family issue which thank God a family memmber hasnt left me alone to handle that situation regarding the family home that I live in with my youngest Brother who is about to start high school next year and Ive been doing my online study alot,its just that Ive missed a few phone appointments lately from my employment services provider and now my payments gonna be on hold ,Im acting like its not bothering me even though its stressfull to think about at this time of year so yeah when it rains it pours and yes I have done the wrong thing and should have consiquinces from centrelink for doing the wrong thing but then again my payments never been put on hold before and usually I keep up with it all maybe its to do with reajusting to doing certain responsibilities after lockdown and just in some ways I dont care even though I do care if that even makes sense,aalso Ive been keeping up really well with my study its just over a few missed appointments by phone,I do have a reason,so please dont judge me,I know its wrong not to meet centrelink requirements,my reason or to them I supose it wouldnt seem like a good enough excuse and if they want me to list everything Im doing wrong at the momment then ok Ill list what Im doing wrong,Ill take this in my stride hope they dont put payment on hold after all I have a dependant and yes some example Im being to my youngest brother right now as though Im failing him,but the reason why I havent met my requirements is because my phone is had it,not working and so I havnt been able to use it for phone calls as much cause the battery is worn out and it keeps turning off all the time as soon as I try to charge the phone it goes flat again so cant really use it now so thats why they cant call me or anyone else for matter and it is really frustrating for me as a do have a new phone to setup but Im too worried about loosing important info off my old phone so havnt set up the new phone yet even though at this point ill probly loose important info/photos off my old phone anyway,technology is a pain cause if my old phone didnt mess up and was still useable for phonecalls then I wouldnt have this problem of people not being able to call me ,maybe in some ways that past stuff on my past phone Im struggling to let go of the past on the old phone even though I like my new phone and want to have that one setup its hard to move from old to new things even if those old things are gone or broken now and I mean that in a few ways,but thanks forum friends for reading and listening this long hopefully they wont be too harsh about my mistakes LostAngelSmiley IndifferentSmiley Sad 


Re: Im feeling Angry but at the same time Dont care

Hi @LostAngel . It seems that you have a lot on your plate right now with family issues and Centrelink stuff. I am very proud of you for continuing with your studies though. Well done👍.  That's a massive achievement and you should be proud of yourself. The covid19 stuff has also been pretty hard as well to deal with. I know from personal experience living in Melbourne that it has been hard on me with lockdown and curfew and the like and my mental health hasn't bern the best.


I can't give you any advice on Centrelink except to say that I would personally call or go into an office and talk to them about your situation. We all make mistakes with Centrelink and they do as well so don't get too upset. Hopefully you can work things out with your job network providers and Centrelink and your payments are okay. They may refer you to one of their social workers for more help or know of a different service or organisation that can help you with what's happening to you. 

I wish you all the best and hope things turn out okay. Stay safe and take care, LostAngel.



Re: Im feeling Angry but at the same time Dont care



Hope you get centrelink sorted, and with everything happening of late- I hope they can be accommodationg. Well done with your studies.


In regards to your new phone- you could take your new phone to were your service provider, and they maybe able to help you transfer your information from your old phone to your new phone. 



Re: Im feeling Angry but at the same time Dont care

thank you Both @oceangirl and @Judi9877

Re: Im feeling Angry but at the same time Dont care

I've definitely been in that place where I care, but I'm also frustrated and exhausted by the whole thing, because I've been trying but it doesn't seem to get me very far. I feel your pain!! I think @Judi9877 is on to something in terms of going in to talk to them- with big buraecracies, I always find it easier to talk to a person anyhow. Doing that may show them that you're struggling but willing to cooperate and open the dialogue for a bit of discussion about how they might be able to help you fulfill the requirements. It certainly sounds like there's a lot you're trying to do though, so don't forget to be kind to yourself too! I hope it all works out for you 😊

Re: Im feeling Angry but at the same time Dont care

Hi @LostAngel . Sounds like you've got a lot going on at the moment hey. Don't beat yourself up about things not working out how you'd hoped. Christmas can be pretty stressful for people thinking that everything has to be perfect with meals gifts etc. but I feel differently. To me it's not about that but simply being grateful for what we do have and spending time with those we love, if possible. Just take a step back and take a breath. Write a list of things you need to sort, prioritising what's essential and tackle them one at a time. Sounds like you are doing your best and that's what matters. Sending wishes for a peaceful Christmas.

Re: Im feeling Angry but at the same time Dont care

Thank you all Today has been a rollercoaster of emotions for me the good news is My new phone is setup but despite that Ive still beat myself up cause of loosing 6 months worth of photos from my phone but the rest of the photos drom the last couple of years from 2018 to now are on my new phone as they couldnt tranfer data from the old phone to the new phone so Ive lost 6 months of photos from 2017 ,my brother says he cant even remember what we did then anyway apperntly notthing important cause it was a particularily sad year anyway,besides that Ive lost all my messages from nice people that I wanted to keep and now have lost though so Ive been too focussed today on what Ive lost its definetly emotional growing pains of having to let go of some of the old things to move forward to the new Ive cried today for the first time in months as Ive not been able to cry about things this year,Im just emotional ,the good news is in terms of centrelink thats slowly working out better than my phone tranfer I need to be happy about that,feel tired and resting untill Im done being sad about the past  thank you all for your beautiful support today thank you 

Re: Im feeling Angry but at the same time Dont care

turns out I actually care too much Smiley Sad

Re: Im feeling Angry but at the same time Dont care

@LostAngelsorry you couldn't retrieve your photos and messages but happy for you that your new phone is up and running and Centrelink is being sorted. Having a good cry is so therapeutic and releases a lot of built up emotion. I hope things continue to come together for you and your family and that you have a lovely Christmas with those you love xx

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